skydiving |ˈskʌɪdʌɪvɪŋ|noun [ mass noun ]the sport of jumping from an aircraft and performing acrobatic manoeuvres in the air under free fall before landing by parachute: She went skydiving.

When I was a little girl, I always day-dreamed of being able to fly. Soaring, high above the earth, sitting on clouds and feeling lighter than air. Baby Field is growing into the stage where he is playing superheros constantly. He flies around the house wearing a red cape, saving Camila from unknown, invisible dangers.

That’s why, when I heard about iFLY Indoor Skydiving in Dallas, I knew I needed to take my kids to try–flying.

So, I scheduled an appointment for our family and told my brother, sister in law and their kids to join. This was going to be an adventure I would have dreamed of when I was a little girl!

Kids from age 3-103 can fly, and everyone is welcome to watch. We laughed so hard as each person strapped into their jumpsuit, helmet and goggles and went into the flying chamber.

This thrilling experience is one that you and your kids will never forget. My kids and nephew were so excited, they could hardly contain it. I was actually able to make my nephew feel like a real superhero, and to me, that was the best feeling in the world. I’ll never forget the look on his face when he went up in the air. Priceless! 

If this sounds like something you and your family would enjoy, book your flight here! I would suggest trying to arrive at least an hour before your appointment so the team can show you the ropes, giving you plenty of time for flying.
