Plus my Favorite Photo Apps

photography |fəˈtɒgrəfi| noun [ mass noun ]the art or practice of taking and processing photographs.

I’ve always loved photography. I actually joined an extracurricular class in college to learn about photography while I was going to school full-time as a business student because I loved it so much.

This was a few years before the iPhone came out, so I learned how to use a camera with real film and processing in the red-lit, darkroom. Taking photos and making prints was something I enjoyed when I needed a break from all of my business classes and lectures.

I still enjoy taking photos of my husband, kids and our traveling adventures. I will take my nice camera out from time to time, but I usually just use the camera on my iPhone, because it’s so easy to edit and post photos from wherever I am.   

Through the years, I’ve found some fun photo editing tips and tricks that I wanted to share with you on today’s blog. Hope these ideas will help you enjoy the art of photography as well! I currently use a Sony Alpha 7 II and LOVE it! It has built in wifi, so it’s easy to transfer photos straight from the camera to your iphone!

Photography Tips & Tricks

  1. Turn Toward the Light.
    Do you ever wonder why some people’s photos always seem to look better than others? 90% of the time, it’s because of the lighting. Photos always turn out better when you have the right lighting.When taking a photo with your phone, make sure the light is pointing at you, and not behind you. This is a simple trick that will turn your photo from drab to fab with one simple step!
  1. Angles are Everything.
    It’s true. Anyone who has accidentally opened the front camera on their iPhone (only to be unpleasantly surprised by a triple chin) can attest to that.Hold your phone at a higher angle, and point downward if you would like to appear slimmer/smaller. Point your phone upward if you would like to appear bigger/taller. This simple trick is the reason you’ll see a lot of women taking “selfies” with their arm up in the air–it’s the best angle!
  1. Magic through Editing
    Filters can fix anything. I never post a photo without editing it first. Here are some of my favorite editing apps that you can download right to your smartphone to make your photos pop!

VSCO: This free editing app is one of the most popular photo apps available right now, and it’s obvious why. The pre-made filters make it easy for you to choose and edit the best look for the photo you want to post.

ColorStory: I recently discovered this new app that really makes my colorful photos, pop! They have fun pre-made filters that are designed for pictures with lots and lots of color. I like using this one for my outdoor photos and pictures with my kids for a bright, light and fun look!

Perfect365: Now, not all of us are models and we definitely have our off-days. When I have an unwanted blemish or forget to wear make-up, this app can add eyeliner, lashes and remove unwanted spots from your skin–making you look lovely even on those off-days! They even have make-up tutorials and tips available with photos, making this the best beauty app out there!

  1. Props to You!
    Do you ever wonder what to do with your hands when standing in a photo alone? Use a prop! Grab a cup of coffee, an ice cream cone or a bag and you’re good to go. Holding something puts your mind at ease and gives you something to think about–allowing you to relax and take a more natural, more flattering photo! A pair of sunglasses or a fun hat are always good accessories for outfit of the day posts!
  1. Hire a Professional
    Lastly, when I need good photos taken, I always hire a professional. I know the iPhone makes it easy for everyone to take photos these days, but there is nothing better than hiring someone who knows exactly what they’re doing to get the exact look that you want.

My favorite photographer to use for my fashion posts, website and family photo shoots is my good friend, Frank Del Corral. We hired him for our wedding, and have used him ever since!

Frank is fun to be around at any event, and talented in so many ways. Book your appointment with him and see for yourself!

Remember, photos are forever–use these tips & tricks to make sure you want them to be! *wink*

