baptism |ˈbaptɪz(ə)m| noun [ mass noun ]the Christian religious rite of sprinkling water on to a person’s forehead or of immersing them in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church : he was baptized and his life was changed.

“..for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ.” Galatians 3:27

I believe that a life surrendered to Jesus is the most important decision a person can make. Field and I made a decision a long time ago that we wanted our lives to be a representation of our faith in God through our business, our family life and our ministry. That decision has shaped every part of our lives as we see and experience God’s faithfulness every single day.

A surrendered life begins with accepting Christ as the savior of your life. That means, whole-hearted obedience to His words and commands found in the Bible. When a new believer makes a decision to follow Christ, they often make a decision to “go public” with their faith by getting baptized.

In the Christian church, baptism is displayed through immersion in water, symbolizing the decision to follow Jesus and an outward statement of belief in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Jesus led the way in the example of water baptism in Matthew 3:13-17 when he was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.

Field and I made a decision to be baptized where Jesus was in the Jordan River when we visited Israel together a few years ago. This was such an incredibly meaningful day to us–something that I will cherish and remember for the rest of my life!

“Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John..” Matthew 3:13

Many Christians will also decide to get baptized again when they are making a declaration over their lives when they are walking into a new season of their life–transitions in jobs, relocating to a new city, recommitting their heart to Jesus, etc. That’s exactly what happened with my brother and his family this week!

My brother, Chris and his wife, Clary made the decision to be baptized as a family when they moved to Dallas a few weeks ago. They are experiencing a completely new season of life where everything is new. A new career, new city, new habits, new home.. They are being stretched and taken out of the comfort of the life they once knew, and having to depend on God every step of the way. I’m so proud of them for starting the journey by being baptized as a family!

Clary had been praying for this day to come. She had already been baptized before, but decided to rededicate her life to the Lord with her family. She is truly a woman after God’s own heart, and I was so honored and blessed to be a part of watching them dedicate their lives to Jesus as a family. Such a beautiful memory!!

Many of us who grew up in the Christian church were baptized as infants, but I want to encourage you to pray about rededicating your life to Christ by being baptized as an adult–maybe even together as a family.

I absolutely treasure the sacredness of dedicating children into the Christian church, but I believe there is great power when a grown believer makes a public decision to surrender their life to Jesus through baptism. It is no longer the choice of your parents or a born-in religion. This is your personal choice to surrender your life to Christ to allow Him to lead, protect and bless every part of it. And what a wonderful blessing it is!

“And now, what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on His name!” Acts 22:16

Be blessed today!
