birthday |ˈbərTHˌdā| noun the anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts: Happy birthday, boy!


Can hardly believe our baby boy turned 7 this year!

July 18, 2013 forever changed my world when God entrusted us with the gift of our baby boy! Field Christian is a light in our lives. The kindness, sweetest boy who loves Jesus and genuinely loves praying. He makes us so proud. His laugh is my favorite and I admire how bold he is at a young age—and believe it’s because he knows Whose he is.

This year, we celebrated Field’s birthday with a skateboard-themed party and a small gathering of friends and family at the house. The kids have been doing great with quarantining and social-distancing (since some of their best friends are family!) and it was nice to have a reason to celebrate!

I LOVED how the urban balloon wall turned out with the graffiti art backdrop we had created for the photo booth. Field’s friends and cousins practiced their own graffiti skills by designing their own personalized white high-tops with markers, stencils, and paint—such a fun idea and they loved it! (Camila even loved this and colored hers with lots of bright pink LOL!)

Then, we headed outside and surprised Field and his friends with a backyard skateboard ramp! I couldn’t believe how good they were—it was so cute to watch them play in their helmets, pads, and skateboard gear. This might be a new found hobby for him! Of course, we couldn’t have a party for Field without having some kind of basketball aspect to it—so we rented a blow-up basketball bounce house for the backyard!

After the kids were tired from skateboarding and bounce-house basketball, we all jumped in the pool to cool off from the Texas summer heat. The skateboard and graffiti theme was so fun to design a party around. He had a neon green cake with a skate ramp and orange flames on the bottom. We had custom skateboard cookies designed with Field’s name (that turned everyone’s mouth blue LOL).

Despite the quarantine, this was a great party filled with so many memories I know Field (and I) will cherish forever.

No words to express the depth of my love for my kids—truly gifts from above! I’m truly thankful for all the memories we’ve made together, especially this year, through the extra time we’ve been able to spend together as a family. I’m praying the light of God’s Word and His Holy Spirit’s power will direct your steps as you fulfill your purpose for His glory, forever. May God protect you, guide you, and bless you today and always.

I love you, Field Christian! Happy Birthday!





7th Birthday Photoshoot by @DeanXU

Birthday Party Photos by Rowell