healer |ˈhēlər| noun a person who claims to be able to cure a disease or injury using special powers: God is our healer.

I’m sharing a very personal, private family matter because even in the midst of pain, if we can press on, continue praying, stand on God’s Word, believe His promises, we will see His goodness bring us to a better place. My dad (Pedro) was recently diagnosed with a chronic, progressive form of pulmonary fibrosis. He needs a miracle. If you believe in the power of prayer, I am humbly asking that you would join me in declaring supernatural healing over his body, peace over his mind, wisdom for the entire medical team, and God’s glory on full display. We are claiming a successful lung transplant in Jesus’ name. – The name of Jesus is a powerful force against disease.

I am believing for my dad’s healing and by grace, will continue to keep my eyes on God, and thank Him for healing in advance. Prayer is the only way I know how to let go and let God. The size of your prayers depend on the size of your God. I am proclaiming God’s power. Declaring His sovereignty. Affirming His faithfulness. Standing on His word. Clinging to His promises. All authority under heaven and on earth is His. I believe we are more than conquerors and my dad is healed through Christ. God continues to stretch my faith as I trust His perfect plan and purpose.

For me, this is a daily surrender… I know the best miracles are birthed in His presence so I have had to get on my knees and trust God to do what only God can do. After all, prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do. And thats a BIG difference.

No matter what you face- Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking. I know faith honors God and I also know that when bold prayers become the norm, so do the miraculous breakthrough that follow.

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” -Mark 11:24

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works…” John 14:12-14

When my mom was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, our family was told by doctors to prepare for her passing. Her body was slowly shutting down and she was placed on a mile-long liver transplant list. Everything looked completely hopeless, and all we could do was pray. Miraculously, we received a liver at just the right time, and my mother is healthier today than she has ever been.

I know there are stories like my mother’s that do not have the same ending, and my heart goes out to anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. I have had to deal with loss on many occasions myself, and it never gets easier. I can’t help but imagine the many individuals Jesus did not heal along the way, and this truth reminds me that though God is our healer, He came to heal more than just our physical bodies. He came to heal our hearts.

God used my mother’s illness to show her what was going on in her heart. She had been holding onto unforgiveness for many, many years—and it began showing up in her physical body as a fatal illness. She knew God was speaking to her and telling her to forgive. This horrible experience actually turned out to be a blessing when she decided to let go, and gained more than just physical healing. She received healing for her heart.

“…for I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15:26

In Exodus 15:22-26, God calls Himself, Jehova-Rophe, meaning, “the Lord who heals you” in Hebrew. Even before Jesus came to the earth, God was showing us His character and His desire to heal us! We generally attribute “health” to physical healing, but God is implying spiritual and emotional healing as well. In Jeremiah 3:22, God says, “My wayward children, come back to me, and I will heal your wayward hearts.”

Whether you are struggling with a physical issue or a broken heart today, I can confidently tell you that God is the healer of both. God is able to use everything in our lives for our good (Romans 8:28), even the really, really hard things. This is a promise from Him to those who love Him.    

So, I’m praying for you today. I’m praying that no matter what you are going through, that you will choose to put your faith and trust in our loving God. He is for you. He is with you. And He will never leave you.

If you have something specific you would like prayer for, please post it here! I personally pray over every request that comes in. I am believing and standing with you today!  I want to thank you for partnering with me in believing for a miracle over my Dad. 
