esteem |ɪˈstiːm, ɛ-| noun [ mass noun ]respect and admiration: She had good self-esteem.

Yesterday, I was privileged to attend and be part of the 2017 ESTEEM Fashion Show held at TOOTSIES off of Preston Road in Dallas.

ESTEEM is a celebration of positive body image and self-esteem. Local celebrities join young girls, women and men of all ages and sizes to embrace a healthy, balanced lifestyle of self-acceptance. It was such a beautiful thing to see women and men of all ages and sizes walking the runway, proud of who they were and completely confident in their own skin!

I took my kids to this event with me because I want them to have a positive self-image as they grow older. I write so often about the power of words and thoughts spoken over our lives by ourselves and others. I believe our self-worth and self-esteem are directly connected to the way we think and feel about ourselves!

ESTEEM was founded by The Elisa Project to increase awareness about eating disorders and the importance of positive body image and encourages individuals to love themselves while striving to be the healthiest and best version of themselves! The Elisa Project serves women, men and children year-round who struggle with eating disorders, obesity and negative self-image. They are currently serving more than 30,000 individuals in the North Texas area and throughout the nation.

The Elisa Project began because of the death of a beautiful 20 year old girl named, Elisa McCall, who struggled with an eating disorder of her own when her depression and struggle caused her to take her own life. Her parents, Rick and Leslie McCall, founded the project to provide individuals education and support on these issues and to commemorate the life of their beautiful daughter. To this day, her legacy lives on and her story influences thousands throughout the world!

Elisa’s story is heartbreaking and negative self-image is a very real issue and problem–especially in today’s media-driven, self-promoting, image-based society. We can all become too focused on outward appearances and trying to be perfect if we do not find a healthy love for who we are and who we are created to be! Even King David in the Bible felt discouraged at times and had to encourage himself and find his self-worth in the Lord. “David was greatly distressed… but he found strength in the LORD his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6

That’s why I believe so strongly in the power of God’s love and acceptance in our lives. If we do not find our complete worth and satisfaction in Him and all He has created us to be–we could all easily fall into the trap of self-loathing and depression.

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it!” Psalm 139:13-14

I believe God has created us each individually with a unique design, purpose and calling. There are no two that are alike. We are beautifully different and wonderfully our own. Write down 5 things that you love about yourself today. Thank God for making you exactly who you are. You don’t need to be “perfect” when you are perfectly loved by Him!

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

You are so loved!


If you would like to support this wonderful movement or donate to The Elisa Project, you can find information about how to get involved here.