ministry |ˈminəstrē| noun the work or vocation of a minister of religion: She served in ministry anywhere she was.

When I graduated from college with my business degree, I would often struggle with the conflicting desire of being in full-time ministry and having a full-time career. I thought I would need to work for a church or another charitable organization in order to be truly effective for God, but I also had a strong passion for entrepreneurship and developing leaders.

I began praying about my desires and asked God to reveal His plan for my life. I even tried to do both ministry and business for a while and would work 40 hours and lead a children’s ministry on the weekends. At the time I didn’t have children of my own, but I was overly busy and not feeling impactful with either ministry or business. It simply felt like I had two jobs, and it was wearing me out. I was not able to do either well because I was exhausted and lacking the creativity and focus necessary to maximize either avenue.

So I started to ask God to show me how to be the bridge of faith between the church (ministry) and the marketplace (my career). I dreamed of making a difference right where God had me. I love to serve. I love to develop leaders and maximize their gifts. I love business. I am extremely evangelical and passionate about my faith. It didn’t make sense at the time, but I knew God was calling me to take church outside the church. I wanted to BE the church, everywhere I went. I wanted to encourage, to inspire, and to share God with my friends and those I worked with—because that is where I spent the majority of my time.

 I stopped limiting my own potential and the impact I could only have inside the church doors. I started praying that God would use me at work, but I didn’t understand what that truly meant or what that could possibly look like. I had no idea I could serve and love people with the love of Jesus through my career in business.

For years, I had my own business and taught middle school entrepreneurship classes and served anywhere I could. I had no idea God was preparing me for what I would be doing today. It all seemed so small at the time, but I would continue to pray over my future and over the impact I so deeply desired to have in the lives of others. I continued to obey, follow His leading, surrender my dreams—and the hardest thing was to remain patient as I embraced the process.

Fear of the unknown and the constant “what if’s” would threaten thoughts of my future. Many times, I wondered if anything I was doing was worthwhile, wondering if I was wasting my time or if I was actually where God wanted me. I was never 100% certain, but I always kept praying and trusting that I was right where I needed to be, even if I didn’t understand the process or my current situation.

Today, years later, I am seeing the fruit of those years of growth and preparation as my husband and I lead our dental business as our ministry. Our business has allowed me to meet new people, to serve thousands, to provide financial resources that are growing the kingdom, and to provide a platform that allows me to bridge the church and the marketplace. My work is my worship and God showed me how to do that one step at a time.

Faith and prayer gave me the courage to dream for something I had never seen or been exposed to. Only God could have prepared me for what was coming in my life: a new kind of leadership I had never dreamed of or imaged possible. Only He could give me the desire, the courage, the boldness to take the church into the marketplace and learn to use or influence, our relationships, our finances, our gifts to encourage people and move them closer to Jesus. 

What is it that God has given you to reach a world in need? Ask Him today to use you exactly where you are—and I promise, He will!





“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23