her |həː, hə| pronoun 1 used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person : her story was as beautiful as she was.

We loved having Catherine Lowe join us for our Equipped by Faith gathering this month! She is a true beauty, shining from the inside out. I have so enjoyed getting to know her and her passion for life.

Catherine is as cute as she is creative, founding a new card company this year with her husband called, LoweCo. You really can “feel the Lowe” with these adorable, original designs for blondes, brunettes, friends, family and lovers.  

If you weren’t able to make it this month, here are some Q&A questions from this cutie! Enjoy!!


Q&A with Catherine Lowe

1.) What do you think you were put on this earth for? What’s your biggest dream in life?
The first thing that comes to my mind when you ask what I’m put on this earth for is to help young girls. I feel like my platform and my experiences in life have given me a way to reach young females with the hardships they face today. I have always felt that girls have so much power and may not be told as often as they should that they are worthy. I’ve been blessed to have a platform to influence girls but I hope to do more with that community one day.

2.) What are some of the obstacles that you have had to go through to get to the point you are at now?
I have had many obstacles in my life, but they have only made my successes sweeter. As a little girl, I wasn’t the prettiest or the slimmest. My sisters and peers would make fun of the way I looked and that has always been hard to overcome, even as an adult. My confidence had to come from a different place growing up and although I love the person that I am, it hasn’t been the easiest road to being confident in my appearance. That has hindered happy times with experiences, in relationships, in so many situations. Another obstacle have been within my role as a working mom. Owning a business is extremely challenging and demands so much of your time and energy–all things that come with raising a child. Being in the beginning stages of both have been so tough since they require organization and time management – both things that I don’t naturally have!

3.) What motivates/inspires you?
The love I have for my husband inspires me. Music inspires me. Food, art, scents, nature, colors inspire me. My husband motivates me. The desire to have a better world for everyone motivates me. Laughter, Samuel, the urge for wisdom motivates me. You can find inspiration in everything if you want to see it.

4.) What do you want to be remembered by?
I want to be remembered as someone who loved. My husband praises me for the huge heart that I have and that he gets to be on the receiving end of it. I have been blessed with a heart that isn’t ever empty. The passage that really struck me and truly sparked the flame of becoming a follower was 1 John 4:19. I know love and I am so glad that I finally know where it came from.

“We love each other because he loved us first.” 1 John 4:19

5.) What advice you would give other women searching for their purpose, passion & faith?
Women shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions. Honest questions are hot. Honest questions that truly seek understanding are hot. I remember having an open conversation with a pastor at the beginning of my faith journey about what Christianity was all about and I was so satisfied because I didn’t hold back and he didn’t judge me for asking the hard, sometimes vain/selfish/ugly questions.

6.) What has been your greatest achievement in life?
Being a working mom is my greatest achievement. Waking up at 4am to a hungry, needy baby and being able to make him laugh with just a look is the single most amazing feeling I’ve ever felt. Sorry Sean, but this child has melted me to my core. It’s tough to juggle a business and a baby but when you don’t apologize for still being in the game and trying to be present for both, I think that’s worth being proud.

7.) How does what you do reflect ministry, what God placed on your heart to share with the world?
The first time I saw my husband on TV, I was drawn to him. He wasn’t preaching about being Christian or even talking about it, he just exuded His light. I wasn’t a Christian then but as my vows have said, “You were a light to my bug, I had to find you.” Everything we do should be an act of worship because everyone is watching and it’s our responsibility to shine.

8.) What books are you currently reading?
My girlfriends and I are going through The God Girl Journey together.

9.) How do you stay encouraged and faith-filled?
I have been so extremely blessed with the most amazing community of women around me. I was worried to move to Dallas, not knowing anyone or anything, but my church SET. ME. UP. They encourage me, lift me up, listen, share wisdom, really everything with me. I have grown so much in my faith because of the women I get the pleasure of calling my friends.

10.) Favorite Scripture of the moment?
1 Samuel 16:7, “…the Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”