family |ˈfam(ə)lē|noun (pl. families)  [ treated as sing. or pl. ] a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. • a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage: friends and family can provide support in difficult times.

Family is so important to me. Second to my relationship with God, my family is my reason for living and loving. When Field and I got married, we decided that we would always put our family before anything else in our lives. We are both business-minded and very focused on our work, but we had to make a choice early on that family would come first–no matter what.

Years later, we are blessed with a happy marriage, two beautiful children and a fast-growing dentistry business. It would be easy for us to focus completely on work and other daily issues–but we have stayed true to our promise to ourselves and to our children.

Family comes first in the Harrison household–today, and always.

Decide to Make Rules, and Follow Them!
Putting your family first is not always easy. Often times, it means saying no to seemingly great opportunities to say yes to your responsibilities. I appreciate that Field is dedicated to our family–no matter how busy his work schedule gets.

We made a promise to one another that we would protect our time to protect our family. I’m so grateful to be married to a husband that believes in the value of family and understands his important role as the head of our home. The health of our relationship determines the health of our family. Our character, choices, words and actions all affect our children and their future decisions.

Choosing to put your family first is a decision that will affect the well-being of your home, your spouse, your children and your future together. Don’t take it lightly!

Family Starts with Your Marriage
Marriage is a wonderful thing that should get better year after year! Yes, I said BETTER. Marriage is work–it comes first and foremost in our lives after our relationship with God. Field and I had to become whole, healthy people on our own before joining together to create a bond of healthy marriage. Our relationship with God only makes our marriage stronger. By choosing to put one another first–we are choosing love over hate, encouragement over discord and honesty over deceit. By putting each other first, we are displaying the greatest amount of respect we possibly can for one another by saying, “I’m choosing to put you first–even before myself”.

Field and I make sure to have at least one date night a week–usually on Friday evenings. We have to protect this time together so that we are able to keep our marriage healthy. Spending quality time together (without your kids) is a must when trying to maintain a wholesome relationship. Communication is key–and you need to be able to have quiet time together to discuss whatever is going on in your lives. Protect this time with your spouse!

In promising to guard our time together, we make sure to eat dinner as a family each night, block off weekends from work and take family vacations as often as we can. There is nothing I love more than waking up on a Saturday morning to my kids crawling in bed with Field and me. These are moments I cherish, and would be easily missed if we didn’t make time for them!

Family First: The Love(s) of My Life
Everything I do now, in every area of my life, is part of a legacy that I am creating for our children. I’m not motivated by money or success, but by the well-being of my husband and our two beautiful children. I want my babies to grow up observing the way Field and I run a successful business that blesses people all around us. I want them to be happy, healthy and to keep God first in everything–everyday.  I want a peaceful, contented, fruitful life–and I’m doing my best to maintain it.

At the end of every day, choosing a life of contentment, enjoying time with my husband and kids and feeling the love and joy that they give to me helps bring balance and happiness into my life. The stress of work or a pressing deadline no longer seems so crucial when my babies are laughing in my arms or my husband hugs me at the end of a long day.

I’m convinced that the love of family is where joy is found–and I have found it.
