Beauty From the Inside Out

beauty |ˈbjuːti|noun ( pl. beauties )1 [ mass noun ] a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight: I was struck by her beauty | an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Beauty. When I looked up the word “beauty” for today’s post, I smiled as I read the definition: “a combination of qualities.. different shapes, colors and forms.”

It often seems, in today’s culture, that beauty is an unattainable quality being eternally chased by women (and men), always just beyond our reach. We so often critique and compare ourselves unfairly–wishing we had her nose, perfect skin or their hair.

Then, we would be beautiful.

We judge ourselves by things that have very little eternal value. Like, how in shape (or out of shape) we are, the car we drive, our financial income, the clothing we wear or the number of shoes or sunglasses in our closets (guilty).

I will be the first to admit that I love fashion, staying in shape, beauty products, clothes and jewelry. I take great pride in the way I treat my body and present myself, and enjoy taking an empty home or office space and creating a unique look or design that draws people in and makes them want to stay.

Beauty is powerful. But we often place more value (and spend more time and money) on what we see on the outside, rather than devoting the time necessary to make sure our character is just as in shape as our outward appearance.

I love how The Message Bible describes lasting beauty in 1 Peter 3:3-4, “What matters is not your outer appearance–the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes–but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in..”

God wasn’t discouraging us in this verse to let ourselves go and never care about how we look or what we wear. He was placing emphasis on the fact that inner beauty is far greater (and lasts longer) than outward appearance.

Jesus rarely talks about outward appearance in the scriptures, but often references the character of those he interacts with. We know that Simon was loyal, James was dependable, Bartholomew had integrity and John was beloved by Jesus.

What lies inside is important to God. Jesus calls the Pharisees out for this in Matthew 23:25-26 when He says, “ are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy–full of greed and self indulgence. First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too.”

Did you know that the average women spends 2 hours a day in front of the mirror getting ready to go out into the world, but the same statistics prove that the average Christian spends less than 5 minutes reading their Bible or praying throughout the day?

I often wonder what would happen if we spent as much time working on our inward heart, mind and spirit as we do on our outward hair, makeup and clothing. I believe the results would be, beautiful.

Character is developed in the presence of God. He gives us strength when we are weak, bravery for difficult circumstances and fills us with new mercy and grace for each new day. True beauty comes from within–from being filled with the lasting, never-ending love of Christ.

There’s nothing wrong with being in shape, owning nice clothing or spending money on yourself. Just remember that outward beauty is temporary–and we are living for the eternal.

Keep your priorities in order, and know that true beauty begins with your heart. Run after the things that will grow your beauty from the inside out!

You are beautiful!


I tell Camila that she is beautiful every single day. I want her to grow up knowing that her kind heart, independent spirit, and faith in God personify the true meaning of beauty!