derby  |ˈdərbē| noun 1 an annual horse race for three-year-olds, founded in 1780 by the 12th Earl of Derby. The race is run on Epsom Downs in England in late May or early June. • a race similar to the Derby elsewhere: She went to the Kentucky Derby.


Field and I just returned from a wonderful weekend getaway to Louisville, Kentucky to attend the 144th Annual Kentucky Derby!

We won tickets to the derby at a Sky Ranch gala auction this year, and I couldn’t wait to go! (Sky Ranch is a great organization — and the perfect spot to send your kids to summer camp if you’re interested!!)

The weather was overcast and pouring rain all day. The forecasters actually announced that it was a record-breaking rainfall for a race day. But, despite the rain, it was so much fun to be part of something so iconic—and truly, the fastest 2 minutes in sports. They had 20 horses with a purse of 2 million dollars, and we watched and cheered as Justify (#7) won the Run for the Roses, ridden by jockey Mike Smith.  

My favorite part of the derby was seeing all of the horse-race inspired fashion displayed by the women there. Big hats, flowers, beautiful dresses, and heels at the beginning—but most ended up in ponchos and raincoats by the end of the day because of the rain. I’m sure all the women were as grateful for their wide-brimmed hats as I was! *grin*

The Clad Life helped me pick out my outfit for the weekend, and I absolutely loved it. The hat was my favorite part—I chose it immediately when I saw it and didn’t need to see any others.

When the derby ended, I traded my heels for flats as Field and I ran back to our car together, hand in hand in the pouring rain—laughing the entire way.

It has been a while since Field and I have taken a trip alone together with no kids. I really enjoyed how relaxing and fun it was. We stayed right in Louisville and found a little restaurant in Lexington called Portofino that we loved! (So much so, that we ate there twice in one weekend!)

We made it back home on Sunday morning, just in time to pick up the kids and head to church together as a family. A beautiful end to a wonderful weekend!


